We started off the week talking about the New Year and setting goals. The students worked on a craft and were asked to set a goal about something they would like to get better at in Kindergarten. They had a lot of good ideas. You can check them out on the hallway bulletin board.
At centers, the students have been very busy building towers with plastic cups. They have found a variety of ways to make the towers taller than themselves and have built many forts for themselves. They have also found out they fall down very easily!

We also worked on writing words and letters from around the room.
We talked about 3 ways to read a book:
1. Read the pictures.
2. Read the words.
3. Retell the story.
These pictures show us practicing our reading skills!
It was so much fun with a friend!
We read the books; Snow, The Snowy Day and Snowzilla this week to help us share our ideas and experiences about snow. From our discussions and stories we made pictures of what we would see if we looked out our window and wrote a poem to go with it.
All this talk about snow led to an experiment about melting and turning a solid to a liquid. The students made a lot of predictions and observations about the snow and then we watched it melt throughout the day and noted the changes.
It was not melted when we left at lunch but the next day it had turned into water! We made good predictions that it would melt!
It was a great start to a New Year this week! See you all on Monday!
Enjoy the weekend.... The Kindergarten Team