Working on literacy and numeracy skills with the IPADS. It also helps us learn about turn taking, sharing and what to do when time is up!
Free craft/build table. Students have been creating cup holders, Christmas ornaments, pictures and cards.
Reading with someone. Taking time to look at pictures, tell a story to a friend. Building early literacy skills; story telling and communication.
Students are so creative when free building and exploring in the classroom. They use and build their imagination, problem solving skills, communication skills and take turns and learn to share.
Pattern making.. from this pattern we have learned that patterns need to repeat 3 times and they have a main part called a core. We can make patterns with sounds, actions and objects.
Building our reindeer. We have been listening to reindeer/caribou sounds in our classroom. Ask your child what they sound like.
Tech time has us working on logging on. We practice letter recognition and using our passwords. The students have done a good job following steps to then find our classroom webpage to access safe sights.
Thanks for all the pictures for our letter collages. When we go over these, as a whole group, we practice listening for beginning sounds, letter recognition, writing what we speak and hearing more sounds in words.
We worked on our paper chain patterns. Making these had us working on fine motor skills and thinking about a pattern and making sure it repeated three times.
Which peep will dissolve/melt first? We did find out that hot water makes a candy cane disappear faster than cold water.
Outside play is always a favorite. Sliding, spinning, running, building, swinging, jumping and playing with friends.
Happy Green Day with our silly faces.
Happy Red Day from us all! Getting ready for our Christmas Concert is a lot of work!
Way to go! Everyone had some red on.
Don't forget Christmas concert on Thursday at 6:30!
The K team!