Over the last few months we have been busy! Take a look at what the Kindergarten Kids have been up to...
The students have made some great marble runs in the last two months. It is a building activity that promotes creativity, engineering, problem solving, communication and collaboration.
Ramp building with foam blocks.
Balancing the bean game. Cooperation and giggles.
Working fine motor skills, sharing stories and calming can all be found at the coloring table.
Building and making patterns.
Everybody's favorite Go Noodle dance time.

Working on our letters in shaving cream. Some students loved it and others... not so much!
Amazing winter weather has let us play, explore and build gross motor skills all winter long. WE love it outside.
The snow hills are a favorite.
Making patterns and sorting during morning time.
Morning survey questions let us work on printing our name with one capital and the rest lower case letters and then we have lots of opportunity to discuss number sense.

Measuring with penguins.
Our penguin learning went outside with us and M was our penguin bus driver!
A's crazy farm! Working on vocabulary.
Recognizing numbers and making groups of objects to 10. No problem here!
Morning center time... building, dramatic play and making math games.
Practicing literacy and numeracy skills on the Ipads.
After following directions to build their penguins students had to recall two facts about penguins. The students all remembered two things! Way to go Kinder Kids. 
We have been building more read to self time or to someone into each Kindergarten day. This is a reading skill/practice that they will need to have for next year in Grade One. The students love to share books with each other and are growing in their reading skills.We can read a book 3 ways. We can use the pictures to tell a story, retell a story that we know or hunt for letters and words that we know in a book. A great thing to practice at home.
The amazing things that come from the playdough center! This was a whole tray of playdough balls from big to small.
We love to see writing in the classroom. Way to go, D!
Letter collages allow us time to focus on the letter for the week and do a lot of sounding out. Thanks for all the great pictures sent in each week! This week is letter Kk on Tuesday and Gg on Thursday!
Making comparisons for taller and shorter. We have been talking a lot in math about how numbers come apart. 
Writing letters in flour... 
Working with 2 dice to count up to 12. We are getting better and better at subitizing and counting bigger groups and number recognition. 
Everybody loves gym. We have been exploring all kinds of things to do with a ball. 
We sure miss J! 
Playing games with Mrs. K.
A tower bigger than, C!
Puppies from lego!
Working in the green zone! Ask your child what that means.
The students did a great job creating all kinds of gingerbread men. We worked on comparing stories, characters and prediction during the Gingerbread collection. 
We found out that gingerbread cookies turn the water a funny color, go mushy and grow mold after a few weeks!
They were
very fun to decorate and eat!
Whew... Kindergarten can wear you out!
It is amazing all the learning, building, practicing and playing that goes on in our days! We love watching the Kinder Kids and are amazed at all their growth.
The Valentine lunch was so good! Thank you to all the moms who sent in food for us to eat and who cooked for us! The students can't wait for another special lunch day!
Playdough creations.

Retelling Goldilocks and the 3 Bears! So fun listening to the students act out the story and use their expressive voices. 
The cup stacking challenge was on!
Balancing, collaborating, perseverance! Those towers fall easily.
Work on writing time! Adding detail to our picture stories, labeling pictures with beginning sounds and beginning to write sentences and telling someone your story. All skills being worked on during this time.
The cup stacking champions... 97 cups tall.
Building baby bear's chair! Sitting on it just like Goldilocks.
Bucket filling kindness by sweeping up after craft time! Thanks L and D!
Computer lab time is going so well. The students have gotten better and better at logging in, opening to the school page and then navigating to our classroom page. We have a new program to use, called Wixie, and we look forward to exploring it and then using it to create some projects for our zoo unit!
Being bucket fillers outside! Pushing our friends on the swing and picking up garbage!
Yum! It was so hot on Thursday it was a good thing that we got to make our Polar Bear ice cream treat! We could eat it after the polar bear inspector checked it over!
Learning about polar bear paws, claws, ears and noses. They all are adapted for the cold climate. Ask your child to tell you two things they know about polar bears. PS It was National Polar Bear day today!
Morning Chit, Chat has taken over star of the day! We continue to use our morning message to work on literacy and numeracy skills of all kinds.
Whew! That was a lot. Thanks for reading right to the end.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Tuesday!
The K Team. :)