What a busy month March has been. It was great to meet with all the families and share all the growth and work that the students have done. Thank you for taking time to meet with me!
This month we completed our fairy tale books and began to work on researching animals. Each time we research an animal we look at a variety of media and then share the facts that we have learned. The students have done this through art, video and telling an adult what they recall.
Take a look at all the learning, playing and fun that we have been up to this month!

We continue to play lots of math games to practice 1:1 counting, turn taking and subitizing. (groups of dot recognition)
The weather has been great, again this month and we have been able to play in the snow, watch it melt and then have snow again to play in!
Free craft is always a popular area. The students worked on this day, with fabric, to create blankets, puppets and more.
Playdough and sand are also busy areas. They both are good for sensory play.
The finished puppet.
Listening to stories. 
Trapping bad guys at the zoo. 

Playing Cover that Number. Number recognition and subitizing!
The Bucket Filling Magic Show!
Building view finders. Look what I made! I can see things through this.
Working collaboratively to outline shapes with a variety of objects. 
I love to see the students sharing the Look and Find books. They are a favorite for the students and much conversation and focus goes on during this time. 
Building houses, towers and walls.
M found a very thin piece of ice as it was melting away. He liked that there was grass stuck inside and it was so thin that it looked like glass. 
Building puzzles, magnet cars and cup towers. These activities work fine motor muscles and invite collaboration, sharing, communication and perseverance to complete what the student has imagined to build.
The students love to have their pictures taken when they are finished and then together we can count how many cups they have used. So many towers fall down, giggles ensue and then more building!

Looking closely at objects. A has noticed a lot about shells. He described what they look like, sound like and feel like! 
The students were so excited to find the dinosaur fossil! Lots of conversation about how it got there, what were all the parts to the skeleton and when were the dinosaurs at the school!
Was this a toenail from a dinosaur? Wonderings in Kindergarten.
The students love to share the items they bring from home. Each student has to tell us three things about their sharing and then answer questions from the students. Take a look at those BIG boxing gloves!
Amazing creations take place everyday in Kindergarten. The students build and add and change the structures that they build and the change brings on a new ideas and more building takes place. Their imagination and thoughts are endless.
A has been working on building layers of lego onto a lego plate. This was layer one. Inside the layer is a lego body piece.
We have been working on our painting skills. Learning how to hold the brush properly, not pushing down to hard to wreck the bristles and how to clean our brush.
Hiding in the tent fun. 
Morning Chit Chats are letting us practice all kinds of literacy and numeracy skills.

Super heroes playing Super Power Towers game. We used 10 sided dice today!

Super hero helpers! Picking up garbage to clean the playground!
Learning to label our writing. We used Mrs. Maris to show what parts we could label on a person. Then we worked on a zebra!
Making playdough Leprechauns.
I think this one may have melted.
A still working on his lego layers. This is layer number 2.

Exploring the water table. Scoop, pour, fill and empty. How many scoops will fill a cup up?
Super cleaners in the room. Thanks for filling Mrs. Eberts' bucket!
Look at the focus on painting. The students did an amazing job of their shape art. Be sure to pop in the classroom one morning or afternoon to take a look at all their amazing work!
A now working on layer number 3. Way to persevere!
M worked on outlining the whole square shape. We then did a big number count to find out how many shells covered the square!
Many students enjoy coloring. Look at the effort D put into this giraffe!
Documenting their own work. For the next 3 months we want to encourage students to take a picture of what they have been doing and document why it is important to them. 
Great collaboration by D and L to build this Duplo tower, town and train.
H built a bunk bed for his salamander and duplo man.
Working on towers and zoo building. 

Ms. Kim came in for her last day of zones on Thursday. We showed how each face would look after something happened. Our playdough face had to reflect what zone we would be in.
The snow came again on Thursday. The flakes were humongous and the students had a lot of fun trying to catch them on their tongue.
Amazing growth at the lab. The students are doing such a good job of logging on and completing a project about a zoo animal. Take a look in the hallway for our zebras and alligators made with Wixie!
Math happens everywhere. E was trying to balance the dinosaurs. He had added dinosaurs until the board would tip and then would move the board a bit and start over to find a new balance point.
Guided bunny drawings with Mrs. Maris.
Baking Easter playdough cookies! YUM.
This Chit Chat took a turn with figuring out what was more and less than 9. Someone suggested 1 billion was more than 9.... So we added it to our list in a new spot so the students could see how big a number that was. 
Data collecting and signing our names. This helps us practice our names everyday and do big number counts, talk about 10s and 1s, compare numbers and add numbers together. Great math discussions!
After reading a non fiction alligator book. The students came up with all kinds of facts.... we wrote down what they said. :)

And that has been March! We hope everyone has a super Spring Break and Happy Easter to all!
See you on April 5th.
The K Team!