We will continue to observe the pumpkin and see how and what happens as it decomposes! The story, Pumpkin Jack, will be read next week to help us understand and make predictions about what will occur. It sure does get smelly!
During tech time, we headed to the lab to make a counting book to 10 and continued our counting and showing numbers to 10 in the classroom. We have been working with 5 frames, making numbers and then breaking them apart! We continue to sort Halloween objects and this week we will work on more patterning.
Thursday, is our Halloween dress up day. You can send your child to school in their costume or we can help them get ready here at school. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to bring snack! It looks like we will have a feast fit for Halloween.
Please be sure your child will be dressed warmly for those outside days!
Thanks for another great week in Kindergarten! See you all on Monday....
The Kindergarten Team :)
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