Welcome back from Spring Break. The students and I have been talking about the snow and weather and it seems that everyone is hoping the snow will leave us soon. Yesterday we talked about being writers and that we first have to think of what we could write about (places, activities, family, pets), then make a picture in your mind, draw your picture and then write the words. The students helped me draw a detailed picture about my pets and then write words by stretching out the sounds we hear when we say the words. The students then had to work on their own writing and drawings. They worked so hard! Their pictures had many details, they used a variety of colors and when they were happy with their pictures they began their writing. It was a fantastic watching them use their letter/sound connections.

At the sandbox we are mining for diamonds. The girls have decided the diamonds are a bit sandy and might need to be cleaned tomorrow!
Working on our building and cup stacking skills! We had a huge crash.
Making Alligator Pie! March 20th

Building around our friend!

Making comparisons and predictions when we measure!
Green milkshakes! Someone got a brain freeze!

Superhero measuring. Students had to pick an object and hunt around the school for objects that were shorter or longer than their measuring stick.
This was the straw tower that the students built on by themselves for three days. In total they used about 900 straws! It was very large and they did such a great job building as a team.

Superheroes came to play!
We have started to learn and share information about elephants this week and that animal will finish off our zoo unit! See if your child can tell you two things about an elephant and if they remember what tusks are!
See you in the morning! The K team:)
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