Friday, 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween!

Wishing all the K families a Happy Halloween and a safe trick or treating night! Here's a look at what we did on Thursday in our class! Alot of fun characters showed up at our door!

In the afternoon we had some fantastic mom volunteers help us out with centers and snack! Thank you for coming in:)





Thank you to all the families that sent special snacks in! The students were very excited to have special treats:)

Enjoy the weekend and see you on Tuesday,
The K team....
(our silly face picture)

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Learning, playing and having fun!

The students are always busy at center times creating, building, playing, counting, patterning, sorting, helping, sharing and being social. It is always amazing to see what they have come up with. Enjoy their work....

The Music Park

Counting to 36.

Patterning AAA, BBB

Making a sword of unifix

Stacking and counting

Sorting and sharing

Making marble runs

Building tall towers

Lots of playdough building and patterns.

Building and testing a pumpkin ramp.

As we get closer to Halloween all kinds of characters have been visiting!



On Thursday we picked a pumpkin to decorate and look closely at! We also passed around a BIG pumpkin and described something about the pumpkin that we felt, smelled or saw. 


We have been working on safe moving and playing skills in the gym. We have gone almost 2 months without one accident! Amazing:) 

The Kindergarten students are working hard everyday. They have really settled well into classroom routines! We love watching them grow, learn and play!

Don't forget this week is our Pumpkin celebration on Thursday. Dress up in any comfortable costume or pajamas!

The weather is definitely colder this week. Be sure your child has warm mitts, toque etc to be outside for 15-20 minutes at a time. Don't forget, we go outside twice a day!

See you on Tuesday,
The K team.