It was a fun, last day at Safety City.
Heading out on the bus... a bus ride is always an exciting time!
Pictures are blurry from the bumps.
First a classroom session on the 7 steps to crossing the road correctly... Stop, Put your arm out, Look 4 ways, Listen, Wait, Look the driver in the eye and Keep on looking!
Here we are practicing! Nice job Kinder Kids.
Learning road safety and how to operate the quads.
And we're off!
Looking carefully while driving.
Pedestrians collecting stamps from the Safety City places and practicing safe street crossing. Watch out for those drivers.
Railroad crossing is a must stop!
The new group of drivers!
Keep a good, safe space in between.
Great arm out, pedestrians.
Heading back to park!
Almost home and the end of another fun day and year in Kindergarten! It has been a blast!
FROM THE K TEAM! (we miss you already)