With portfolio walks and open house out of the way I finally have a moment to catch up with what the students have been doing since the beginning of March! We have been very busy learning about zebras, alligators and giraffes (this week) by viewing and listening to information from a variety of sources. I hope your student has been sharing their learing with you!
What we already knew about zebras.
Working on our zebra art projects... you can check these out in the hall for zebra facts!
Happy Alligator Green Day!
Sharing time!
Well, there used to be no snow! Make sure to bring your snow gear tomorrow!
Lots of clovers to count. M did a great job of marking each clover as she counted to get 13. Did you know that was one group of 10 and 3 more?
Creating stories about going to soccer and the alligator was eating the saber tooth tiger! It is always fun to listen while the students play. They have stories to tell and imagination to share!
L made me a clothesline to hang things to dry!
Super hero day! We had some new students come:)
Super Elvis!
Ironman to the rescue!
Working on measuring! Did you know it takes 6 students to be as long as a wild alligator?
Finding things longer than our measuring stick!
Measuring carefully...making comparisons!
Longer than, shorter than and the same as our measuring sticks! Look at all the objects we found!
Swimming fun! (pictures are always a bit blurry at the pool)
Lots of jumping in the pool!
A mermaid came to visit!
"It was so fun to go swimming, Mrs. Eberts!"
And one silly one of the superhero group! See you tomorrow! Don't forget to dress for the snow! The K team
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